Muddati: 1-may 2022-yil
Kelajak liderlari 14 va 19 yoshlardagi turli mamlakatlardan kelgan yoshlar uchun onlayn almashinuv dasturi. 2022-yil uchun dasturning asosiy mavzusi — jamoaviy ish. Tadbir dasturida — suhbatlar, video qo’ng’iroqlar, onlayn master-klasslar joy olgan.
- Ingliz tilida gapirish ko’nikmasiga ega bo’lishi;
- 14–19 yosh oralig’ida bo’lishi.
Barcha mamlakatlar fuqarolaridan arizalar qabul qilinadi.
Bir hafta davomida doimiy internetga kirish kerak.
Dastur uchun haftasiga 4-5 soat atrofida vaqt ajratish kerak.
5 Comments so far
Jump into a conversationit would be better if this kind of conference organized a lot .
People should organise such kind of conferences like this so adults can share their ideas and new education.
To evaluate the global horizon the confrences should be emplayed
To evaluate the global horizon the confrences should be emplayed
it would be good if more conferences like this were organized. because developing children’s horizon they need to share their ideas and innovations with each other.