June 24, 2022

10 new pedagogical higher educational institutions will appear in Uzbekistan.

The following higher educational institutions will be created in the direction of pedagogy:

  • Urgench State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Namangan State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute;
  • Andijan State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Termez State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Chirchik State Pedagogical University;
  • Jizzakh State Pedagogical University.

Starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, pedagogical textbooks and manuals used in the areas of preschool, general secondary, secondary specialized and vocational education will be provided to universities on a paid basis.

For students of 2-4 courses, classes will be held according to the 4 + 2 scheme: four days – classes at the university, two days – in preschool and secondary educational institutions, in the order of practice.

At least 5% of teachers will be sent for internships in foreign countries to improve their skills.

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