April 28, 2022On May 24, 2022, the Faculty of Oriental Philology of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University is holding a republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Issues of teaching Oriental languages in an intercultural aspect”.

Goals and objectives of the conference:
Exchange of views on scientific problems of Oriental studies in the field of philology, methodology, philosophy, history, economics, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, translation studies; Further development of international scientific cooperation between Uzbekistan and China, Korea, Japan and other Eastern countries; scientific study of priority areas of relations between Uzbekistan and the countries of the East and development of practical proposals; coordination of research work carried out in the field of oriental studies; advanced training of young scientists; development of scientific and methodological recommendations of the international level with the definition of scientific topics on which cooperation will be carried out on topical issues of oriental studies. development of proposals for new scientific projects; Obtaining new information about best practices, innovations in the system of science and education in Uzbekistan and the countries of the East.
The conference will be held in the following sections:
- Linguistics;
- Comparative linguistics;
- Pedagogy;
- Translation studies;
- Literary criticism;
- History;
Conference proceedings cover the following topics:
- Scientific and practical issues of Oriental studies;
- Principles of teaching Oriental languages in an intercultural aspect and innovative teaching methods;
- Questions of translation studies of Oriental languages;
- Literature, history and cultural life of the countries of the East.
The conference materials will be published in a www.conference.fledu.uz platform and the best articles will receive DOI and a certificate, and will also be indexed in Google Scholar, https://cyberleninka.ru/.
Materials are presented in the form of scientific articles in Uzbek, Russian, English, Chinese, in paper and electronic copies (Times New Roman, 14 kegel, interval 1.5, 5-7 pages). References, references from scientific literature should be at the bottom of each page. The abstract (70-100 words) and keywords (5-10 words) must be in English and in the language in which the article was written (shown in the sample).
The deadline for submitting articles is May 10, 2022.
Please send the text of the article to the following address: Tashkent, Uchtepa district G9-A, Faculty of Oriental Philology, office 203
Теl.: +9989974454745
Telegram: +9989974454745
E-mail: ikromatyakubov@gmail.com
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