November 18, 2019

TechGirls is an international summer exchange program designed to empower and inspire young girls from Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa to pursue careers in science and technology.

The core of the program is a four-week experience in the United States. TechGirls participate in an interactive technology and computer camp that provides participants with an in-depth examination of technology-related topics, such as coding and cyber security, and engages them in 45+ hours of hands-on instruction.

Selection Timeline

  • November 15, 2019: 2020 TechGirls application opens
  • January 15, 2020: 2020 TechGirls application closes
  • February 2020: Semifinalists will be contacted via email
  • April 2020: Final decisions will be made
  • July 6 – August 1, 2020: TechGirls program in the United States

Students eligible to apply are those who:

  • Are females resident in Uzbekistan;
  • Are between the ages of 15 and 17 at the start of the exchange.

For more information:

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