Словарь знакомств | Super Easy German 07



sitzen – to sit

die Vorlesung – the lecture

schön – beautiful

jemandem nachrennen – to run after someone

flirten – to flirt

das Paar – the couple

Händchen halten – to hold hands

sauer sein – to be angry

passieren – to happen

küssen – to kiss

der Freund – boyfriend

erfahren – to learn /hear about

jemanden betrügen – to cheat on someone

angepisst sein – to be annoyed / to be pissed

streiten – to argue zusammen

sein – to be a couple

einen Heiratsantrag machen – to propose

► PRODUCED IN COOPERATION WITH: http://www.theglobalexperience.org Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Host of this episode: Isabell Schmid

Camera: Ben Eve

Edit: Andes Atmaja

Translation: Ben Eve

Источник: Youtube.com

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