Recently, more and more young people prefer to study in the most prestigious universities of our country, as well as knowing foreign languages and having high foreign language levels apply for study abroad.
What are the perspectives for studying in foreign countries and what will it give the younger generation in the future?

The main reason why many people recommend studying in England, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, Italy, Germany, France, and China is that studying in these countries is really (and this is confirmed by the experience of many generations) as personal as possible. Potential allows you to use it to its fullest and achieve the most ambitious goals in life.
One of the best study-abroad options is Arizona State University

Arizona State University (ASU), a varied, well-regarded public research university, is situated in the southwest of the United States. It was founded in 1885 and is located primarily in and around Arizona, Phoenix, USA. This university is the largest public educational institution in America. Education in the United States has many advantages, and we will introduce you to them in this article.
The University of Arizona is one of the top 50 universities in the United States, the university is actively engaged in scientific activities and is included in the top-10 sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Wall Street Journal ranked the University of Arizona among the top 5 universities in the United States in quality training.
ASU Business School is one of the top 20 business incubators in the world, with an average of more than $ 700 million per year, more than 120 startups “seeing the world face”. For 6 years in a row, the University of Arizona was recognized as the most innovative university in America from 2016 to 2021. According to QS World University Rankings, the employer-student is included in the top-3 in connection.
Currently, the university has more than 150,000 students.
One of the biggest advantages of studying in the U.S. for bachelor’s degree is a 4-year discount, and for magists, a 2-year discount. This saves young demanding students a lot of money and time. Arizona State University also offers Foundation, Pre-Master’s and language courses.

Admission is 3 times a year: September, January and May.
There are numerous undergraduate majors and graduate programs available at ASU, which has 17 academic institutions and colleges. Additionally, they provide pathway programs for international students that are intended to help you transition smoothly into the academic environment of an American university while providing additional language and cultural support.
Living as a foreign student
With over 10,000 international students and scholars, ASU has a genuinely global community. The International Students and Scholars Center (ISSC) at the university is available to assist you with matters like as immigration advice, visa assistance, acclimating to ASU, and any cultural differences.
You will live in a residential college on same floor as students in your academic program if you are an international first-year undergraduate. As a result, you’ll be able to get to know the folks you pass by on a daily basis and help one another out with your homework outside of the classroom.
The difference between an educated and an uneducated person is the same as between the living and the dead.” 322 BC Aristotle.

Arizona State University is a large, metropolitan university. The main campus, housing over 64,000 students, is located in Tempe, 15 minutes by light rail from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Emblematic of the lively, eclectic atmosphere of Tempe is the city’s main street, Mill Avenue.
The Critical Languages Institute (CLI)
The Critical Languages Institute (CLI) at Arizona State University’s Melikian Center is a national training institute for less commonly taught languages, offering summer intensive courses and study-abroad programs around the world.
The Melikian Center provides study-abroad advising, grant & career mentoring, and visits by federal agency recruiters during Tempe-based CLI programs. CLI graduates have an exceptionally high success rate for competitive study-abroad awards like the Boren and Fulbright. Wherever they start their journey, CLI students travel on as multicultural, global citizens!

The Critical Languages Institute supports intensive language programs in 14 languages.
Critical Languages Institute offers intensive language programs in 14 languages of the world, and notably one of these languages is the Uzbek language.
Explore Uzbek at CLI
The Critical Languages Institute is a national training institute, offering summer intensive courses and study-abroad programs around the world.
Every summer, CLI brings students from across the U.S. together to develop their linguistic and cultural competency rapidly and effectively through intensive in-person immersion programs. Students live on the sprawling Arizona State University campus alongside faculty and staff while speaking, studying, and living in Uzbek.
Arizona State University is a large, metropolitan university. The main campus, housing over 64,000 students, is located in Tempe, 15 minutes by light rail from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Emblematic of the lively, eclectic atmosphere of Tempe is the city’s main street, Mill Avenue.
Explore the tabs below to learn more about the Uzbek course offerings at CLI.

Wherever you are, whatever higher education institution you choose, know: Never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning!
Qarshiboyeva Kamola Muhammad qizi,
Student of the Faculty of Media and Mass Communication,
Uzbekistan State World Languages University
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