December 13, 2019

Today, on 13th of December, 2019, the International Journalism Faculty of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University celebrated its 20 Years Anniversary.

The faculty was established in 1999. Since its establishment, numerous professionals such as N. Djuraev, F. Muminov, Kh. Dustmukhamedov, F. Muminova,  D Teshaboyeva, docents as S. Umirov,  N. Kosimova,  B. Alimov and others have become known. Thus, the precise scientific school based on the journalism field had been formed.

During the Celebration of the anniversary of the Faculty, the annual “ETIROF” AWARD CEREMONY was held by the heads and administration of the university. This year within “ETIROF-2019” teachers and students are awarded diplomas in the following categories:

  • “Yilning eng yaxshi o’qituvchisi” (The best teacher of the year);
  • “Yilning eng yaxshi chop etilgan  tahliliy maqolasi” (The best printed article of the year);
  • “Yilning eng yaxshi media dizayni” (The best media design of the year);
  • “Yilning eng yaxshi radio loyihasi” (The best radio programme of the year).

The ceremony has brought all the journalists of this faculty studying and working all over the country together.

Abdualimov Jasur, student of International Journalism Faculty

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