April 6, 2021

The international conference “Assessment in Teaching Foreign Languages: Achievements, Challenges and Solutions” is organized by the Uzbekistan State World Languages University, the Republican Research Center for Development of Innovative Methods in partnership with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Public Education, and with support of the US Embassy in Uzbekistan.

?The annual international conference has become a platform for the exchange of views and experience in the following areas: modern approaches to state educational standards and curricular improvement; teaching special subjects in a foreign language based on up-to-date methods (CLIL, CBLT, EMI, CBI); intercultural communication in teaching foreign languages; the importance of contemporary knowledge on testing and assessment of foreign languages; actual problems of linguistic theory; the effective use of ICT in teaching foreign languages.

?The purpose of this event is to analyze the current situation in this area and the prospects for the development of teaching foreign languages, to identify the main factors that determine their growing popularity, and to discuss from the perspectives of linguistics, pragmatics, didactics and the most productive directions of its development from the point of view of teaching a foreign language in the continuous education system. Also, during the event, the current actual issues of applied research and their implementation in the scientific and educational environment will be discussed.

The conference will be attended by more than 100 local experienced experts in linguistics from 12 regions of the Republic, as well as more than 30 foreign specialists from the USA and other countries.

The conference will consists of a plenary session, poster presentation, round table discussion, workshops and group debates.

?Certificate presentation ceremony will be held at the end of the Conference.

?More information is at www.uzspic.uz

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