The Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Development of Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, in cooperation with the Uzbekistan State World Languages University, with the support of the US Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, are holding an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Best Practices of Distance Education in Foreign Language Teaching”. The conference is held on May 14-15, 2019 in the main building of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

This event was organized in the framework of the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 25, 2019 No. 133-f “On approval of the plan for an international scientific and scientific-technical conference in the country”.

The main directions of the international scientific-practical conference:
- Problems of implementation of distance learning in teaching foreign languages;
- Creation and implementation of multimedia educational products;
- Methods of introducing distance education in teaching a foreign language in the system of continuous education;
- Online and offline assessment of knowledge of foreign languages based on international standards;
- The effectiveness of distance learning, ICT and multimedia resources in teaching foreign languages.
All these issues were addressed during the conference in order to improve the level of teaching foreign languages in the continuous education system of Uzbekistan and to familiarize teachers with modern methods and technologies when learning from foreign experience.

Over 40 experienced experts, leading linguists from 12 regions of the Republic, as well as more than 10 foreign experts from the USA, Great Britain, Malaysia, Austria, Germany, the Russian Federation and other countries took part in the conference. In particular, Counselor of the US Embassy for Cultural and Educational Affairs Christine Mishiner, Cardinal of the Vatican State, Ambassador Extraordinary in Uzbekistan Ezhe Matsulevich, English Language Specialist at Westminster University Mandana Arfa-Kabudwand, English Language Specialist from Oxford University and other representatives of foreign universities and international organizations presented their speeches at the Conference.

The program of the event included a plenary session, section seminars, group debates.

At the conclusion of the event, there was a ceremony for the presentation of certificates and a collection of scientific materials from the organizers of the event.

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