October 15, 2020

We invite all journalists interested in developing English language skills to apply for the “English Classes for Journalists” program. Through interactive online sessions, this free 6-month long course will expand your vocabulary, improve your grammar and increase your ability to read, write, and to develop news stories in English.

Classes will start on November 2, 2020. To apply, please fill in the form https://forms.gle/kikK2K3bMZR9QbKn6 by October 27, 2020. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive certificate of completion.
The participants should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a practicing journalist;
  • Have a high beginner level of English;
  • Be available for sessions facilitated by a local English language instructor at 6 pm-7 pm on Monday and Thursday.
    Eligible candidates will be invited to an online interview administered by the course instructor.

For those who are interested and would like to know more, you are invited to join us at an informational briefing on October 20 at 18:00 via the link:

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