November 7, 2020

In November of this current year, the 28th Japanese Speech Contest will be held at the Uzbek State University of World Languages. This annual contest is aimed at stimulating the learning process among students, developing public speaking skills, as well as strengthening cultural exchange between Japan and Uzbekistan.

It is organized with the support of the Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan, the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Uzbekistan, the Japan Foundation, the University of World Languages ​​and the Representative Office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan.

17 students from different educational institutions of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Fergana regions will take part in the contest. According to the rules of the contest, participants will speak in Japanese on a freely chosen topic for five minutes, then answer two questions asked by Japanese teachers. In evaluating the contestants, the jury takes into account the level of knowledge of the language, the level of rhetorical talent, as well as the internal content and specificity of the speech on the chosen topic. Due to the pandemic, this year’s contest will be held remotely, meaning participants will submit their videos in advance, a panel of judges will evaluate their performances, and the final results of the contest will be announced on November 21st. To organize this contest, a special organizing committee of the Japanese Speech Contest is formed every year.

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