September 9, 2023

Tukhtasinov Ilkhomjon Madaminovich was appointed rector of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University. Prior to that, I. Tukhtasinov worked as a rector of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

I.M. Tukhtasinov was born in 1980, is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Tukhtasinov has 138 scientific and methodological works, 10 textbooks, 6 monographs, 84 teaching aids have been published under his authorship. 19 patents and certificates received.

Over the past 2 years, under the leadership of I. Tukhtasinov, 7 professors, 9 doctors of sciences (DSc), 25 associate professors and 48 doctors of philosophy (PhD) have received scientific degrees.

Under his leadership, 12 people successfully defended PhD and 2 DSc degrees.

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