October 5, 2021

Wednesday 13 October 2021 -15:00 to 16:30

As part of our Creative Spark series of policy discussion programme, BC are organising a live webinar on the topic of ‘Sustainable development in creative entrepreneurial education: how education sector responds to global challenges?’.

The webinar is a joint event of the British Council, El-Yurt Umidi, Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It will bring together Higher Education professionals from the UK and Uzbekistan so we can exchange knowledge and ideas.

Key discussion questions 

  • What are key drivers for mainstreaming sustainable development in creative entrepreneurial education? Why this is so important for universities today? 
  • How sustainability is integrated into teaching and learning and university curriculum? How this is reflected in education standards and frameworks?  
  • How development of new degree programmes has been approached and what are key learning points? 
  • What are key objectives of university sustainable development/zero carbon print strategies and how are they achieved? Case studies 
  • How higher education institutions and businesses work together to achieve sustainable development objectives?  
  • How sustainable development and green agendas can help attract investment and contribute to the image of the business, country? 
  • What needs to be done at a policy level to support and build effective ecosystem? 
  • What are immediate key steps to mainstream sustainable development in creative entrepreneurial education?

The webinar will be opened by the honoured guests:

  • Jamilya Gulyamova, Acting Country Director, British Council, Uzbekistan 
  • Komiljon Karimov, First Deputy Minister of higher and secondary specialised education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 
  • Tim Torlot, Her Majesty’s Ambassador 
  • Adkham Bekmuradov, Director, El Yurt Umidi 

The session will be facilitated by Komiljon Karimov, Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. 

Event ID: 836427721137
Password: 1

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