November 7, 2022

Indeed, the main objective of each university is to encourage young and ambitious students in the way of self-development, widening their horizons, and just direct them to the proper way of forming prosperous future careers.

The Uzbekistan State World Languages University is also extremely intended to accomplish these aims, while our professors commence the guide for students. On November 2, 2022, the senior teacher of the Faculty of Translation of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University, under the leadership of Khodjaeva Saodatkhan Saidullaevna, together with the students of group 2202, visited the III International book fair “Tashkent Book Fest” organized in the center of UzExpoCenter, where students got to know the information not only regarding books, but also history, IT, geography and others.

By the entrance to the main hall, we have already heard the voice of one of the speakers despite the bad rainy weather we were so curious to see everything. Initially, we so far spent time on the first stall with the classic literature, where you can find not only Western worldwide hits but also Japanese, Chinese, and others.

Then, we looked through the bulk with historical books such as ancient documents, laws, and even the newspaper called “Translator”, which is emboldened in our area. There we also saw one of the biggest books in a volume with more than 6 thousand pages.

In fact, proverbs say: “A book is not a collection of lifeless pages, but a mind living on shelves.”

After there was the conspicuous counter with the flavored books, we were shocked to perceive the smell of cacao, lemon, mint, lavender just wiping hands on books. The vivid impressions of ours so amazed the representers that they decided to present some bookmarks with aromas to us. It is gratifying for us that we got acquainted with the graduate of our University specializing in translator Iskandar Ergashev-Editor- in – chief of Silk Road Publishing.

Moreover, we received really good news from assignees of the State National Library called after Alisher Navoi that they have recently changed their graphics and now they are working around the clock. We arranged such a pleasant conversation that they decided to make a gift to our group in the form of a book.

Also, we retained the experience of talking with foreigners, to my mind, it is really useful for us as future interpreters. So, we caught the chance to have a dialogue with typographical representatives from the UK, India, Russia, Belorussia, Germany, and Turkey.

We were also interested in the Culture and Art Development Foundation, which presented its new publishing projects at the fair. During the conversation, the Director of Business Dr. Neil spoke about one of them – a large illustrated book about the main objects from the collection of the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V. Savitsky.

In addition to describing the main works, the book reveals the unique history of the creation of the museum itself. He mentioned that the Art Edition was produced by the Foundation in partnership with Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers (UK). Another project of the Foundation is “The Story of Babur. Prince, Emperor, Sage.”

This is a children’s adaptation of the famous Babur-name, the memoirs of the great ruler Babur (1483-1530), who unified an empire that stretched from modern India to Afghanistan. This book was included in the list of the best children’s publications of the summer according to The Guardian newspaper.

Also, we were really astonished by the clothes of actors like Romeo and Juliet, investigated the book with gilded pages, and encountered with the deputy of the State National Academy of arts.

All in all, it was one of the most informative and interesting visits for students. As it promoted to enlarge the social environment by meeting new people, overcome the constraint and keep confident dialogues and just how solid opportunities we have in our country related to education, assistance to students and just gradual progress in the cognition of the world literature.

The more books we collect, the more happiness we accumulate, the more books we read, the more we see the future, if we read a book today, we will live in its rain tomorrow!

With a book in hand, we never feel alone. The development of society, people’s understanding of their identity, religion, and humanity is through books.

R. Mustafoyeva, Facilitator, senior teacher S.S.Khodjaeva
Group #2202. Translation Faculty. Uzbekistan State World Languages University

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