May 4, 2019

The department is being established in accordance with the Presidential resolution “On measures to organize a continuous system for identifying gifted young people and training highly qualified personnel”.

Among the main tasks of the Department are:

  • the identification of gifted students, the scientific and methodological support of their activities, the popularization of best practices in this field and the development on this basis of recommendations and aids for educational institutions;
  • organizing among students of secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges of local and international, including non-state, science Olympiads, ensuring their participation in international competitions;
  • development of constant new control materials for olympiads involving highly qualified specialists;
  • training participants of international competitions with the involvement of highly qualified specialists, including scientists, professors and teachers, foreign specialists, the organization of special courses in the subjects “English” and “Russian” in order to develop communication skills;
  • monitoring and taking measures to support the further activities of gifted students who showed high results at competitions.

The resolution approved the list of international competitions, the winners of which are enrolled in state higher educational institutions without testing and additional exams. The list includes the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) and the International Olympiad in Informatics International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

According to the document, the participants of the republican stage of the main olympiads who took 1-3 places are given a certificate giving the right to receive the maximum score at the entrance exams to higher educational institutions in specialized subjects, which is valid for three years.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Academy of Sciences, other interested ministries and departments, entrusted the winners of olympiads enrolled in higher educational institutions with qualified specialists who achieved high results in the relevant industry on the basis of the mentor-student system.

The resolution states that the winners of international competitions and their teachers are awarded a lump-sum cash bonus in the following minimum wages for:

1st place (gold medal) – 500, teacher – 450 times;

2nd place (silver medal) – 300, teacher – 250 times;

3rd place (bronze medal) – 200, teacher – 150 times;

Teachers of the winners of the republican stage of the main olympiads are awarded with a lump-sum cash bonus in the following minimum wage sizes for:

1st place – 50 times;

2nd place – in the 35-fold amount;

3rd place – in the 30-fold amount;

Teachers and directors of educational institutions who prepared the winners of international competitions are paid an additional premium on gold, silver and bronze medals, respectively, in the amount of 200, 175 and 150 percent due to the director’s fund for the next academic year.

The winners of olympiads who work as teachers in educational institutions are paid a monthly allowance to the official salary:

  • winners of international competitions – at a rate of 150 percent;
  • the winners of the republican stage of the main Olympiads – in the amount of 100 percent;

Olympiad winners, who have graduated from higher educational institutions, are included in the pool of promising specialists formed by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation for the training of specialists abroad and dialogue with compatriots under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Starting from the 2019/2020 school year, the Department together with the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan will form a reserve of talented students on a quarterly basis by organizing online competitions for students of 4–11 grades in secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges.

The department is also charged with providing monthly delivery of in-depth monitoring materials for young people included in the reserve through the website of the Ministry of Public Education.


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