September 24, 2020

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries carry out systematic work to support and encourage citizens of Uzbekistan temporarily staying in foreign states, as well as compatriots living abroad.

In the Brooklyn area of New York (USA), the Uzbek school “Ziyo Art” began to function. The official opening ceremony of which took place on September 19, 2020. The event was organized by the Consulate General of Uzbekistan in New York together with the diaspora organization “Mahalla USA”.

According to the Consulate General, the school is located at 16 Avenue О, Brooklyn NY 11204, and consists of the following subjects: “Uzbek Language and Literature”, “Ethics”, “Fine Arts”, “Chess” and “Mathematics”.

Classes will be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays in the Uzbek language by qualified teachers selected on a competitive basis using special teaching materials obtained from Uzbekistan.

On behalf of the Government of Uzbekistan, the Consulate General transferred books and fiction to the fund of the library of the Uzbek school.

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