July 24, 2019

The International Youth Conference is considered a simulation of five international organizations and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is recognized as an international conference in almost every country in the world.

The main goal of holding this conference is to unite the youth of the world for one purpose and to create leadership skills and intelligence in them. Besides, we are planning to discover the ability to display the knowledge and abilities that youngsters have. Moreover, we aim to provide an opportunity for our young people to exchange views with the young from foreign countries, as well as to make friends and at the same time, to familiarize young people with the principles of international law, plus to encourage young people’s legal awareness and capacity and also to stimulate them for making a worthy contribution to the prosperity of our country. More importantly, in this conference the young will be supposed to discuss the current global issues and come up with proposals and alternative solutions on existing issues at the end of the conference.


Navoi city, Navoi region, Uzbekistan

The date of the Conference

20-22 September, 2019

The main corporate organisation

United Nations Office in Uzbekistan

Application deadline

August 25, 2019

For more information:

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  1. Hero
    #1 Hero 31 July, 2019, 16:29

    Shu yil endi 17 ga kiradiganlar ham qatnashsa boladimi.

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