May 25, 2023

An international mobility student Exchange program was signed between Uzbekistan State World Languages University and Sultan Idris University of Education of Malaysia (UPSI).

Also, under this program, three intern teachers from the USPI did an internship in UzSWLU for almost two months. They are Nur Atikah Athirah, Muhammad Ridzwan (for English language teaching) and Nur Alia Syafikah (for Malay language teaching).

During this internship and exchange program, we were interested in their educational processes and opinions about Uzbek students.

—As we can see you are putting as much effort as you can to engage in exchange internship and sharing your knowledge and experience. Could you tell us what kind of aspects of learning and teaching did you discover for you at Uzbekistan State World Languages University?

—M.R: For me, in my point of view, it is quite different with our university, different approach, especially, for students. So my expectations were quite different. When I first came here, I thought like it is similar to Malaysian, but it is not, it is really different, maybe because of the educational system itself.

—N.A.S: Because, you know this is our first time teaching university students. In our university in Malaysia, we are taught to teach secondary school students, that’s why, the methodology is different. As you know, for secondary school students we learned pedagogy, and for university students, we need to implement andragogy. So it was very difficult at first this kind of different situation for us, but we asked our lecturers and our mentor to help us how to handle this situation.

—N.A.A: I think it is more to students’ behavior in class because in Malaysia we have a barrier between teacher and students, it is not like here, but I think it is a good thing that here students come to us and ask anything, even sometimes talk about their private lives, we are like friends with students here. I think that students in Uzbekistan are very friendly and approachable with teachers and that is the difference between Malaysian and Uzbek students.

—M.R: We did not expect to have fun here this much but it happened. So, we are so thankful.

— In your perspective how is our students’ level of comprehension in learning?

—M.R: So, first things first, in my faculty here Media and Communication majority of my students can speak English very fluently, even though some of them could not comprehend English very well but their friends can help, that is the thing. For example, if I give instructions in English and if one of them did not understand others can directly translate it to Uzbek and that is a good thing. The level is quite good.

—Can you compare this to the students in Malaysia?

N.A.A: I think we have mixed level of proficiency students here. So we have intermediate and advanced level of students. And I think that based on my experience, my third-year students are more in advanced level and most of my second-year students are mixed level of Talking about the difference between Malaysian and Uzbek students, Uzbek students love to speak, they always love my speaking lessons but Malaysian students are shyer and I think it is good that you are really confident with your speech even though you make mistakes maybe sometimes but you are still confident, you really want to speak.

—M.R: The thing is that you are very into speak and that is very crucial.

Yes, our students are hardworking and like to impress others. In the future, do you plan to come again and start other new projects together?

—M.R: If Allah wills, we will come here again and do something big.

—N.A.S: It is a bit rushing for two months. In the first month, we had to settle everything about our practical outreach and in the second month, we planned event programs and collaborations. I think one month is not enough for this. Maybe next time if we come here again and we can develop new projects. As you know, our department sends students for teaching practice abroad for the first time. We do not have guidelines on how to organize all the things first, and of cause a shortage of time so we could not arrange the plan very well. After this, our juniors will come here and I will let them know how was the situation here and maybe they would be better than us.

I think it is great for the first time. Can you share your impressions after the presentation that you showed recently?

—M.R: For me, I enjoyed my presentation and most of the students there also enjoyed even though some of them could not understand but it is okay. Some of them are willing to apply to our universities which we presented to them, that is a great thing.

—N.A.S: Some Uzbek students will come to Malaysia to pursue their studies and exchange mobility programs. Just come to Malaysia we will welcome you. Malaysia is as good as Uzbekistan. Thanks to the Uzbek people for being nice, helpful and kind to us.

–Thank you for your great work in educating young people. Thank you for being the ambassadors of your country – Malaysia.

Prepared by
2nd course students of Media and Communication faculty,
Uzbekistan State World Languages University

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