April 9, 2019

On April 9, Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov met with the Rector of the Uzbekistan State World Languages University Ganisher Rakhimov.

The Uzbekistan State World Languages University ​​has a 70-year history, and today almost nine thousand students study about twenty foreign languages ​​based on existing world educational standards. Every year, the university prepares and graduates specialists in 15 educational areas of undergraduate and in 13 specialties of graduate programs.

At the meeting, the rectors outlined all the subtleties and advantages of the Joint Master’s Program for teaching translators in English and obtaining a bilateral diploma.

“It will be a two-year program, the maximum number of students in one group is 10 people. For us now the important task is to choose our best students, – noted G.Rakhimov. – I am glad that 70-75% of the subjects of two universities are similar. I suppose that our teachers will come to ASU, and yours will come to Uzbekistan. We will also introduce online learning technologies. ”

Rector Konstantin Markelov supported the proposals of Ganisher Rakhimov.

“We have a good experience in training in double degree programs: this work is already underway with other countries. There is a practice when one semester students study in their own country, and another semester here at Astrakhan State University, ”said K.Makelov.

In addition, it was proposed to send along with students for a semester an internship at ASU a teacher of UZSWLU ​​so that he or she could fully master effective techniques and methods of teaching language.

The rector G.Rakhimov liked this idea of simultaneous training, according to him, this will allow to prepare more highly qualified teachers and translators. Also, the rector of a UZSWLU noted that the training will be fully conducted under the program of the Astrakhan State University.

At the end of the meeting, heads of universities signed an Agreement on a Joint Master’s Program for the training of translators.

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